Here’s some basic information about my piano tuning service…
I generally recommend two to four tunings per year to keep your piano in tune and to prevent it from going noticeably sharp or flat in pitch. Some pianos stay in tune very well with one tuning per year, depending on the make of the piano, the interior temperature and humidity levels in the room where the piano resides, and, importantly, how much the piano is played. I can help determine the best times of the year to tune your piano, and how best to provide an environment conducive to good tuning stability.
I have tuning clients throughout central and western North Carolina, generally ranging from Raleigh to Asheville. If you are outside of the area that I cover, I can recommend a qualified technician to help you.
I was trained to tune pianos by ear and that is how I still tune the piano… by ear. If your piano is badly out of tune, or is significantly flat or sharp, I will use an electronic tuning device to get the piano roughly in tune, then complete the fine tuning by ear.
Piano tuning usually takes about an hour and a half, depending on how far out of tune your piano has become, and costs between $200 and $250.
Please call, email, or text me if you have questions, or would like to set up an appointment.
John Foy